These tips will reduce your hair fall problems( really effective )

Introduction: Many people are concerned about hair, and I think you are too. Dont worry these tips will make your hair better and the best of all your not paying me anything except attention to get these million dollar tips. Make sure you follow my blogs, if they are useful. Today I will be sharing a few tips that will bring really amazing hair to you thanks to your hair expert which is me, Dan.

1 : Decreasing cortisol production

Dont worry Dan is here, I will explain what cortisol is. It is just one of those naturally produced harmone, but this isnt good for your hair. Well this harmone decreases natural produced oils in your hair hence decreasing the hair width and leading to hairfall. 

Now cortisols are generally produced when your stressed, excessive exercising, or even by steroids. This is naturally made for your body to respond for anger or danger. 

So, dont get stressed do some yoga and meditation everyday to increase oxygen levels in your blood and eat moderately.

2 : What about your diet?

Diet is very important to keep your hair as healthy as possible. If your diet has all the vitamins especially vitamin E, your hair will be healthy. Some people dont get thier diets good enough, so get multivitamin capsules and visit a doctor for that. 

You can take online website diagnosis of your multivitamin supplementary. Consuming high mercury fish, alcohol, too much sugar or even soda could leave your hair badly damaged. 

Some high white starch foods and fast foods dont provide good nutrition and also arent good for your hair. So, avoid having these type of foods, eat more nutritious and mineral rich contents that are good for your body and also eat them with a limit.

3 : Your shower matters

Well your shower actually matters more than hair products you use. If the water is very hot, then you are just damaging your hair everyday slowly. Not just the temperature but also the quality of water is important too. 

The water you use shouldnt be hard water which contain metallic salts very bad for your hair. Head showers everyday is also very bad for your hair cause, it washes off the natural oils on your hair which promote hair growth and keeps them thick. 

Keeping your sulphate shampoo aside is a better option while showers until you have really bad amounts of dandruff.

4 : Hair products

Hair products contain different chemicals and some of them are truly useful. Select your products wisely and I would suggest shampoos that have very low or no laurel suphate present in it. Laurel suphate of sodium is usually present in dandruff reduction shampoos, it can be very harmful to your hair. 

Also I would suggest you to go to the doctor if you need prescribed hair products. I would say a good shampoo and some argon oil and a conditioner would be good. Do not use hair gel, I think i dont need to tell this.

5 : Protect from heat and sun damage

This is important, your skin and hair can get damaged because of sun exposure. One thing you can do is apply argan oil and get less exposed to the sun by wearing a cap or something like that. Shower as soon as you come back from the sun if your sweaty as it might also be harmful to your skin and hair at the same time.

Bonus tip : Dont brush your hair right after a hair wash, be gentle with drying your hair. I have seen people who just rub their towels against their hair, and thats exactly what you dont wanna do. Be gentle and try to pat dry your hair and face too.


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